Somehow I can’t get as excited about a Hillary vs McCain presidential campaign. I’ve been seeing so many young people paying lots of attention to this campaign and being very supportive of Barack Obama. I’m starting to get worried after tonight’s election returns. We’ll see what happens, but I don’t look for Obama to do well in the “rust belt” states of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky and W.Virginia since Ohio went overwhelmingly for Hillary. There’s no doubt I will vote Democratic, but I’d sure rather be voting for Obama than for Hillary.

Had to cancel my appointment with the orthpedist that was scheduled for tomorrow. The Urgent Care facility doesn’t have my x-rays back, and I have to take them with me to the orthopedist in order to get treated. They probably won’t have them until Thursday at the earliest. I rescheduled my appointment for next Monday. Meanwhile, my shoulder is still hurting and I’m still taking vicodin every night. What a pain–literally.